


The Importance of sleep

Do you feel energized in the morning? Do you feel groggy when you wake up? Do you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day? Do you suffer from daytime sleepiness? If you said no to any of these questions, you may not be getting enough sleep at night. According to the National Sleep Foundation, there are over 70 different types of sleep disorders and at least 60 percent of adults and 69 percent of children are not getting enough sleep.


Prenatal osteopathy

Hey Soon-To-Be-Moms! Do you experience back pain? Do you feel the pelvis gets locked up from time to time?? Do you feel increased pressure in your pelvis? Does it feel like your organs are being squished, like it’s becoming increasingly difficult to breathe deeply? Let me explain to you how osteopathy can help you out.


postnatal osteopathy

Osteopathic care after delivering your baby can be very beneficial to you. Osteopathic manual practitioners use gentle, subtle techniques to help realign different systems within your body including the musculoskeletal system, digestive system, urogenital system, nervous system, and many more. Osteopathy uses the sense of palpation to feel for different movements (or lack thereof) to revitalize and relieve pain and discomfort.


Osteopathy for your newborn

Osteopathic manual practitioners are able to treat patients as young as days old. Since osteopathy is such a gentle and subtle therapy, newborns respond well to treatments. In fact, it can be very beneficial to seek out a professional as soon as you can. The practitioner can assess and treat to ensure that your baby is as healthy as can be and that your baby will grow as perfect as you can expect.